Blog Posts by KAPR Advisory PLT

July 7, 2020
Fresh Graduate: Levelling the Playing Field in Job Search

A mountain conquered; a degree earned. Another mountain awaits. One in which failure is not an option. Indeed, a job search can be a daunting task for a fresh graduate. What more having to compete with experienced job seekers. Hopefully, this post entitled “Fresh Graduate: Levelling the Playing Field in Job Search” will provide some […]

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June 17, 2020
Job Audition May Sound Death Knell for CV or Resume!

A CV or resume is the document that all fresh graduates or experienced job seekers put together as the first step in the job search process. It is the all-important document that job seekers send to potential employers detailing their credentials and work experiences. This piece of document has had a place in the job […]

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June 5, 2020
Jobseekers: How to be Visible to Recruiters and Companies

BUILD PROFILE NOT CV. Jobseekers tend to submit a CV (Curriculum Vitae / Resume) that often detail their job responsibilities. What is needed is a Profile that focuses on your Value Proposition & Results! That was my sharing in the last webinar series on Career Talk organized by GKK Consultants: How to be Visible to […]

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April 27, 2020
Career Talk Series

I will be appearing as one of the panel speakers of GKK Consultants' career talk series: Re-ignite Your Career during Challenging Times. Come join us in this Free Webinar. The current pandemic and the MCO/lockdown it brought upon us is leading many businesses onto its pathway to disappearing from existence. These organizations that are facing […]

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April 10, 2020
Is Contract Hiring the 'New Normal'?

March 18, 2020, will forever be etched in our memory – the day Malaysian government enforced the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the hope of arresting the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was initially enforced until March 31, but extended to April 14 and today (April 10), the government has further extended the MCO […]

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March 29, 2020
Business as Usual in Unusual Time?

The world is fighting an invisible enemy. Coronavirus (Covid-19) first reared its ugly head back in November/December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease.  It is now classified as a pandemic and many countries are not spared as the virus […]

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March 2, 2020
Fresh Graduates Unemployment – No End in Sight?

We recently celebrated the beginning of a new decade as we enter the year 2020. It was a time of fireworks and merriment. However, for many fresh graduates and job seekers, there is no celebration as the coveted prize of a job continues to elude them. After 4 years of laboring and perhaps many sleepless […]

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February 14, 2020
MBA: Now, Later or Not at All?

Probably many of us can relate to this piece of parental advice – study hard, enter university, graduate, get a job. From kindergarten days to primary study to secondary/higher education and finally college/university, we were constantly reminded of this advice until it literally becomes a part of our subconscious. This subconscious program planted in us […]

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January 28, 2020
No Graduate Should Remain Unemployed!

The convocation – every undergraduates’ dream. To put on the graduation gown complete with the mortarboard. To receive the scroll and finally jumped with joy. The day that makes “burning the midnight oil” justified. Four years of toiling academically and endless exams are finally over. Unless one decides to further pursue a postgraduate qualification. What […]

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January 12, 2020
Mission "I-m-possible": Bridging the Human Capital Gap

My name is Teddy. I am a headhunter with KAPR Advisory. I have been in headhunting for 16 years. During this period, I have assisted many companies to hire the best talents in their industry and solved their hiring needs. In the process, I have also impacted many job seekers’ career. Oxford dictionary defines a […]

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