Jobseekers: How to be Visible to Recruiters and Companies

June 5, 2020

BUILD PROFILE NOT CV. Jobseekers tend to submit a CV (Curriculum Vitae / Resume) that often detail their job responsibilities. What is needed is a Profile that focuses on your Value Proposition & Results!

That was my sharing in the last webinar series on Career Talk organized by GKK Consultants: How to be Visible to Recruiters & Companies.

The key thing is the Value Proposition. In other words, your profile should answer the question "Why Should I Hire You?"

Two main areas in your Value Proposition are:

1) Know Yourself - do a self-analysis to identify your strengths (realized & unrealized), weaknesses, and passions. Show how these insights shape your career success in previous employments. Focus on results.

2) Know the businesses that you want to be associated with. Research on these companies - Who are they? What do they do? Where is their focus market? How is their culture & policies? Show that you are "one of them". How your Value Proposition positions you to contribute to the growth of their business. People often hire those whom they believe are of the same personality.

Help recruiters see your Value Proposition. Make it easy for a recruiter to hire you over your competitors. Be Proactive. Create Opportunity.

In addition, attitude matters.

1) Do not insist on permanent hire. Contract hire will be the new normal. If you are good, there is no reason why your contract will not be converted to permanent hire eventually.

2) Granted, we work for money. But many companies are financially stretched post-lockdown. Be flexible in your expectation & show that you care for the company besides your personal interest.

3) Ready to go the extra mile. Do more than expected. Do not be a complainer. Be a problem solver.

4) Be IT-savvy. IT plays an integral role in every functional area of business. If you lack in IT competency, reskill & upskill accordingly.

5) Job audition / technical assessment is going to be a new normal in the interview process. (In fact, some recruiting experts are saying CV maybe a thing of the past. It does not offer an accurate and fair assessment of candidates as opposed to technical assessment. Note: please do personalize your CV & do not send generic copy). Candidates need to adapt and prepare to show portfolio/project links or testimonial/results.

6) Be active in professional social media such as LinkedIn. The keyword is professional. So, share professional content & review/comment on other contributors' posts consistently. That helps in building your personal branding. Many recruiters seek out talents on LinkedIn.

If you are keen to listen in to my sharing, please visit the following YouTube link

Lastly, have faith in your job hunt. Reach out to headhunters - we are your friends and here for you!

Disclaimer: The author is a headhunter with 17 years of industry experience and this article is the personal opinion of the author. Photo credit: mostafa-meraji-unsplash.

Teddy Tan
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