Career Talk Series

April 27, 2020

I will be appearing as one of the panel speakers of GKK Consultants' career talk series: Re-ignite Your Career during Challenging Times. Come join us in this Free Webinar.

The current pandemic and the MCO/lockdown it brought upon us is leading many businesses onto its pathway to disappearing from existence. These organizations that are facing losses are actively looking into ways of trimming the workforce, this means many of you stand a chance of losing your job - worse is that some of you have already been retrenched. The good news is that some organizations from certain industries are still hiring but the competition has become steeper than ever.

Come find out how to stand out from the rest and escape the rat race.

Areas covered include:

(1) How to be visible to recruiters and companies

(2) How to write an impactful LinkedIn profile

(3) What skills you need to learn now.

Important Details: Date 29th April 2020 Time: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm (Singapore Standard Time)

Host: Mr. Gajendra Balasingam, CEO of GKK Consultants

Sign up: Go to

Disclaimer: The author is a headhunter with 17 years of industry experience and this article is the personal opinion of the author and Mr. Gajendra Balasingam. Photo credit: GKK

Teddy Tan
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